Thursday, January 26, 2012

Minestrone Soup with Lindsay Olives

First and foremost, an apology for my long hiatus from blogging! The desire to blog is not lacking, but the time to do it is.

I love to cook, bake and create in the kitchen. With 5 children home with me, things can get a bit crazy while Mama is focused on a recipe. I try to give them all jobs or things to keep them busy, but sometimes they end up entertaining themselves. This is what they did while I pulled the Minestrone Soup together:

This was just one of the shapes they taught our 2 year old (she's the short one in the pink tutu!).

Okay, now back to the soup. This is my entry in Kitchen Play's Progressive Party Menu. January's sponsor is Lindsay Olives. You do know that I can not post a recipe whose star is olives without the "child-with-olives-on-fingers" picture, right??

Now that THAT is out of the way. We made the Minestrone and Black Olive Soup. Our only variation in this recipe is that we used spinach instead of kale and shredded mozzarella instead of sliced. The star of the show:

This month's sponsor: Lindsay Olives!

Can you smell the deliciousness?

This made a perfect lunch on a blustery-kind of day!

Thank you Kitchen Play and Lindsay Olives for this month's Progressive Party! I'm looking forward to trying the other recipes!

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