Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Apple, Pecan and Cherry Winter Salad

I really love participating in Kitchen Play's Progressive Party. Every course is a joy to make or recreate, but I do believe that I love the salad category the most! I really do love a good salad. This month's salad did not disappoint.

Bran Appetit created a lovely winter salad, which in my opinion would be a treat any time of the year.

I followed her recipe exactly and it was a delight.

Let me show you my new favorite salad mix:

I found this at Whole Foods and it is my new addiction. It boasts 5 super foods of baby greens: red and green swiss chard, tat soi, arugula and spinach. So good! I used this in the winter salad.

My husband's comment, "The cherries really make this salad." 

This coming from the man that has no knowledge that the Cherry Marketing Institute is the sponsor this month. His only job is to eat the food I create! Anyway, he really thought the cherries were the star of the salad and I agree with him. You really should try this salad!

Cherries, no longer just for pie.

I have a new love for cherries. Thanks to the Cherry Marketing Institute for sponsoring Kitchen Play's Progressive Menu this month. I now have a new fondness for all things cherry: dried cherries, frozen cherries, raw cherries and juiced cherries.

I've never tasted tart cherry juice until now - it is yummy! And did you know cherries are considered one of the "super-fruits"? This drink uses tart cherry juice and is a hit with children and adults alike.

U Try It created a Frozen Tart Cherrytini. I followed the recipe exactly and let me tell you, this is an extremely easy, spectacular drink to make and swallow. I love how she provided a non-alcoholic version as well.

Here is my Frozen Tart Cherrytini (please forgive my terrible photography skills!).

Did you notice?? NO CANNING JAR! I finally picked up some martini glasses! Fixed that problem didn't I? Now if any of you know of a food photography class, please let me know!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Back from vacation and back to cooking!

I've been looking forward to making the recipes on this month's Kitchen Play's Progressive Menu. This month's sponsor is the Cherry Marketing Institute. My only real experience with cherries is eating them raw and spitting out the pit! This is true. I promise. I am not a cherry pie fan, but you can give me a raw cherry any day of the week.

This family loves salmon so it seemed natural to try the entree first. This recipe really got me out of my grilled salmon rut.

The Tart Cherry Salsa, complete with one whole jalapeño, was out of this world! By the way, do you ever wonder what it looks like around here while I'm preparing supper? There you have it, math homework and Polly Pocket right next to Mommy's sharp knife.

The salsa, paired with a salmon filet was simple perfection. I added apples, cherries and swiss cheese on a bamboo skewer for the children's delight. It was fun!

The deadline for Kitchen Play's menu this month has been extended to March 11th, so you still have time to participate! You really should give it a try!

Guess where we've been?


Time with Grandparents: Priceless!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Living a Legacy Conference

Sharing with you all today:

I'm making plans to attend! Head over there and check it out!